Who We Are

Hope for Healing is a foundation started by the immediate and extended family of Matthew Stefani. We are his parents, his twin brother, and his younger brother, as well as his aunts and uncles, cousins and friends. Matthew died of a drug overdose on April 23, 2015 at the age of 22. Matthew had a relatively short but intense battle with drug addiction. Beginning from the time the scope of the problem became apparent until his death, was less than 2 years. During this time he agreed to, and in some cases did well in, a number of different treatment programs. However, in the end, he was never able to maintain sobriety, with each relapse ending in an overdose. His last overdose occurred alone in his room in a Sober Living home in Chicago.

Stefani Family
Ben Stefani Outlook
Forever In Our Hearts Matt-Stefani

Why We Are

In so many ways we have been very fortunate and blessed in our family. We have had a stable and loving family, with a close extended family, and a large group of loving and supportive friends. Even so, we have each struggled to find our way on this most difficult journey. In going through our experiences with Matthew’s illness with addiction, treatment, and death, and remembering how alone, confused, and frightened we often felt in our struggles, we decided to try to find ways to reach out to, and support others in similar circumstances. Along the way we have met so many others whose stories in one way or another are similar to our own. Like so many others, our stories are filled with love and joy, frustration and anger, anxiety and fear, terror and devastation. Through Hope for Healing our purpose is to provide support to those who suffer from addiction and their families, and support to those individuals and organizations that provide care and treatment.

Our Mission, Vision, & Core Principles


Hope for Healing works to prevent the harms of substance use disorder, such as disease and death, and to foster respect and dignity for those who live with its effects.


We have a vision that people with substance use disorder will be treated with respect and dignity, and that death due to overdose will be eliminated.

Core Principles

Human Dignity

In all that we do Hope for Healing has a goal of fostering and preserving human dignity for those suffering from substance use disorder, as well as their loved ones.


As an organization we seek to include diverse populations in our efforts in terms of age, race, socioeconomic status, and beliefs. We strive to “meet people where they are at” in terms of the recovery journey.

Research Based

To ensure we are making a positive impact, Hope for Healing is dedicated to keeping up with the growing body of scientific research as to what treatments and programs help to mitigate or prevent substance use disorder, as well as other harms that this disorder can cause, such as disease and death.

Our Board

Marge Stefani
Marge Stefani
Roger Stefani
Roger Stefani
Steve Stefani
Steve Stefani
Ben Stefani
Ben Stefani
Colleen Hussey
Colleen Hussey
Cheryl L'Ecuyer
Cheryl L’Ecuyer